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Tastiest Mushroom Risotto Dishes You Can Make at Home

Definition of Mushroom Risotto

Mushroom risotto is a classic Italian dish that consists of arborio rice cooked slowly in broth with sautéed mushrooms, onion, garlic, white wine, and Parmesan cheese. The result is a creamy, flavorful dish that is beloved by foodies around the world.

To make mushroom risotto, first, you need to sauté finely chopped onions and garlic in olive oil until they are translucent. Then add in sliced mushrooms and cook them until they are golden brown. Next, add arborio rice to the pan and stir until each grain is coated in the oil and juices from the mushrooms. Once the rice is toasted, it's time to add in some white wine, which will help deglaze the pan and add some acidity to the dish.

Mushroom Risotto
Mushroom Risotto

After the wine has been absorbed by the rice, it's time to start adding in the broth. The broth is usually added in a few ladlefuls at a time, and the risotto should be stirred constantly to ensure that the rice cooks evenly and doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. As the broth is absorbed by the rice, more should be added until the rice is cooked al dente and the mixture is creamy.

Once the rice is cooked, it's time to add in some grated Parmesan cheese, which will give the risotto a rich, nutty flavor. The cheese should be stirred in until it is completely melted and the risotto is smooth and creamy.

Mushroom risotto is a versatile dish that can be served as a main course or as a side dish. It pairs well with a variety of proteins, including chicken, beef, and seafood. For a vegetarian version, simply swap the chicken broth for vegetable broth.

In terms of nutrition, mushroom risotto is a good source of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. Arborio rice is a complex carbohydrate that provides sustained energy, while mushrooms are low in calories and high in nutrients like B vitamins, selenium, and potassium. The addition of Parmesan cheese adds some calcium to the dish.

How many types of Risotto? 

There are many different types of risotto, and the variations can be nearly endless depending on the ingredients used. Here are a few examples of popular types of risotto:

  1. Mushroom Risotto - made with a variety of mushrooms, typically including porcini and often includes garlic, shallots, white wine, and Parmesan cheese.

  2. Asparagus Risotto - made with asparagus, often including onion, white wine, and Parmesan cheese.

  3. Seafood Risotto - made with a variety of seafood, such as shrimp, scallops, mussels, and squid, and often includes white wine, garlic, and Parmesan cheese.

  4. Saffron Risotto - made with saffron, giving the dish a distinctive yellow color and unique flavor, often including onion, white wine, and Parmesan cheese.

  5. Tomato Risotto - made with fresh or canned tomatoes, often including onion, garlic, and Parmesan cheese.

  6. Pumpkin Risotto - made with pumpkin or butternut squash, often including onion, garlic, and Parmesan cheese.

  7. Milanese Risotto - a classic Italian risotto made with beef or chicken broth, saffron, onion, white wine, and Parmesan cheese.

These are just a few examples of the many types of risotto that exist. The ingredients used can vary widely, allowing for endless possibilities and variations.

What is Mushroom Risotto?

Mushroom risotto is a type of risotto made with a variety of mushrooms, typically including porcini, and Arborio or Carnaroli rice. It is a classic Italian dish that is known for its rich and earthy flavors.

To make mushroom risotto, the mushrooms are typically sautéed with garlic, shallots, and white wine before being added to the rice. The Arborio or Carnaroli rice is then added and cooked slowly by gradually adding hot stock or broth, which is constantly stirred to release its starches and create a creamy texture.

Parmesan cheese is often added to the risotto to give it a rich and creamy flavor. The finished dish is typically garnished with additional sautéed mushrooms, parsley, and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.

Mushroom risotto is a popular dish in Italian cuisine and is enjoyed as a first course or main dish. It is a comforting and satisfying dish that is perfect for a cozy dinner at home or on a special occasion.

Ingredients for Mushroom Risotto?

The ingredients for mushroom risotto can vary slightly depending on the recipe and personal preference, but here are the common ingredients:

  • Arborio or Carnaroli rice, 1 cup
  • Mushrooms (such as porcini, cremini, or shiitake), sliced, 8 oz
  • Shallots, finely chopped, 2
  • Garlic, minced, 2 cloves
  • White wine, 1/2 cup
  • Chicken or vegetable broth, 4 cups
  • Parmesan cheese, grated, 1/2 cup
  • Butter, 2 tbsp
  • Olive oil, 2 tbsp
  • Salt, to taste
  • Black pepper, freshly ground, to taste
  • Fresh parsley, chopped, for garnish (optional)

Note that some recipes may call for additional ingredients such as onions, thyme, lemon juice, or heavy cream.

It is important to use Arborio or Carnaroli rice in risotto as these varieties of rice are high in starch, which gives the risotto its creamy texture when cooked slowly with hot broth.

Mushroom risotto
Mushroom risotto

How to Make Mushroom Risotto

Here's a basic recipe for making mushroom risotto:


  • 1 cup Arborio or Carnaroli rice
  • 8 oz mushrooms (such as porcini, cremini, or shiitake), sliced
  • 2 shallots, finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 cup white wine
  • 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • Fresh parsley, chopped, for garnish (optional)


  1. Heat the broth in a separate pot and keep it warm on low heat.
  2. In a large saucepan or pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the shallots and garlic and sauté for 2-3 minutes until translucent.
  3. Add the sliced mushrooms and sauté for 5-7 minutes until they release their juices and are cooked through.
  4. Add the rice to the pot and stir to coat it with the oil and mushroom mixture.
  5. Pour in the white wine and stir until the liquid has been absorbed.
  6. Add the warm broth to the pot, one ladleful at a time, stirring constantly until each addition of broth has been absorbed before adding the next one. This should take about 20-25 minutes.
  7. When the rice is cooked and the risotto is creamy, remove the pot from the heat and stir in the grated Parmesan cheese and butter.
  8. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.
  9. Serve the mushroom risotto hot, garnished with chopped parsley, if desired.

Note: Risotto requires constant attention and stirring to ensure it cooks evenly and doesn't stick to the pot. Add the broth gradually and stir constantly to release the starches in the rice and create a creamy texture.


Can You Freeze Mushroom Risotto?

Yes, mushroom risotto can be frozen, but it may not have the same texture and flavor as when it is freshly made. The rice may become slightly mushy or grainy, and the cheese may separate when thawed and reheated. However, if you have leftovers that you don't want to waste, freezing mushroom risotto is a good option.

To freeze mushroom risotto, follow these steps:

  1. Allow the risotto to cool to room temperature. It's important not to put hot food directly into the freezer as it can raise the temperature of the freezer and affect the quality of other frozen foods.

  2. Transfer the risotto to an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag. Squeeze out as much air as possible to prevent freezer burn.

  3. Label the container or bag with the date and contents and store it in the freezer for up to 2-3 months.

To reheat frozen mushroom risotto, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the container or bag from the freezer and allow it to thaw in the refrigerator overnight.

  2. Transfer the risotto to a saucepan or microwave-safe dish and add a splash of hot broth or water to loosen it up.

  3. Heat the risotto over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until it is heated through. If using a microwave, heat it in 30-second intervals, stirring in between, until it is heated through.

  4. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed, and serve hot.

Note that reheated risotto may not have the same creamy texture as freshly made risotto, but it can still be a tasty and convenient meal.

Mushroom Risotto Benefits for health

Mushroom risotto can offer some health benefits due to its ingredients, which include mushrooms, rice, and Parmesan cheese. Here are some potential health benefits of mushroom risotto:

  1. Mushrooms are low in calories and fat, but high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are a good source of potassium, vitamin D, and selenium, which may help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body.

  2. Rice is a gluten-free grain that is high in carbohydrates, but low in fat and sodium. It provides a steady supply of energy and is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including thiamine, niacin, and iron.

  3. Parmesan cheese is a good source of protein and calcium, which can help strengthen bones and teeth. It is also low in lactose and may be easier to digest for those with lactose intolerance.

  4. Mushroom risotto can be a satisfying and filling meal that can help regulate appetite and reduce the risk of overeating or snacking on less healthy options.

However, it is worth noting that risotto is a high-carb dish and can be high in calories and sodium, depending on the recipe and serving size. It's important to enjoy mushroom risotto in moderation as part of a balanced and varied diet. 

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